Hi I'm Mikko. Professional creative, focusing on Digital Product Design.

My design motivators - I thrive on collaboration to uncover real goals and create products that truly make a difference. I’m all about crafting solutions that are both meaningful and effective, turning purpose into impact.

I'm currently a digital product designer at Solita Finland, bringing a mix of experience from various earlier design roles. My expertise spans user experience, digital service design, brand experiences, and brand identities, all spiced also with background in marketing. But more than that, I’m a versatile, cross-disciplinary designer who enjoys tackling complex challenges.

Outside of work, I’m all about the adventures and surprises that come with family life. I stay sharp through sports. I love trying out different sports—whether it's hockey, open water swimming, or something entirely new. I enjoy experimenting and pushing my limits in the world of sports just as much as I do in design. As a also a long-time visual creator, always eager to start new projects where I can explore different forms of visual communication and creativity.

As a lifelong typography enthusiast, I have compiled my openly available font designs in one service. Have a look at type.mikkonuuttila.com
